1. Know who you are in Christ.

  2. Destroy the lies of the enemies of Jesus who are in the church.

For certain individuals slipped in secretly, about whom it was written some time ago that they are condemned. They are ungodly people who turn the grace of our God into a license for sin and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. (Jud 4)
The law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace overflowed much more, (Ro 5:20)

The purpose of the law is (SOS) to _________ _______ __________. (This is the second use of the law, the law as a mirror.)

The purpose of the gospel is (SOS) to _________ _______ _____________.

What shall we say then? Shall we keep on sinning so that grace may increase? (Ro 6:1)

[This is the way our sinful nature thinks.] God’s grace is awesome. In fact, God’s grace covering our sins is really—really awesome! So, our best course of action is to sin as much as we can so that God’s grace has more sin to cover, and this will lead to God receiving more and more praise for how awesome he is.
2 Absolutely not! We died to sin. How can we go on living in it any longer? 3 Or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him by this baptism into his death, so that just as he was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too would also walk in a new life. (Ro 6:1–4)
... alive to God (6:11b)
  1. History reveals God’s ________________ on _________________.

5 I want to remind you, though you already know all these things, that after the Lord rescued his people out of the land of Egypt, he later destroyed those who did not believe. 6 And the angels who did not keep their position of authority but left their own dwelling place behind—God has kept them in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day. 7 Like Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, who in a similar way indulged in extreme sexual immorality and pursued homosexual perversion, they serve as an example of those who are going to suffer the punishment of eternal fire. (Jud 5–7)
Now these things took place as examples to warn us not to desire evil things the way they did. (1 Co 10:6)
12 How you have fallen from heaven, you bright morning star, son of the dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! 13 You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven! I will raise my throne above the stars of God! I will sit on the mountain of the assembly, in the far north! 14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds! I will make myself like the Most High!” 15 But you will be brought down to the grave, to the bottom of the pit. (Is 14:12–15)
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned but handed them over to chains of darkness by casting them into hell, to be kept under guard for judgment. (2 Pe 2:4)
Have sound judgment. Be alert. Your adversary, the Devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. (1 Pe 5:8)

Hell for the Devil and the demons is not just a ___________; it is a __________________ of unutterable misery from which there can be no _____________, for which there can be no _____________. No matter where the Devil or the demons are, they are _____________ in hell.

So, submit yourselves to God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. (Jas 4:7)

To submit to God means:

  • to believe that you are _______________________ to God,

  • to acknowledge God as ___________ in your life,

  • to _______________________ your will to his,

  • to open your ears and heart to his _________,

  • to let him ___________ your choices and decisions,

  • to let him set your _____________ of right and wrong.

Whoever belongs to God listens to what God says. The reason you do not listen is that you do not belong to God. (Jn 8:47)
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God. (Col 3:16)
Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians. They received the word very eagerly and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these things were so. (Ac 17:11)

Points to Ponder

  1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week's message?

  2. If you are not studying God’s Word on a daily basis, are you not despising it? Explain your answer.

  3. Explain to a child how dangerous the devil and the demons are.

Homework:  Jude