
Our current sermon series is titled Forgiveness. Today … How does the world define forgiveness? How do you define forgiveness? Truth is forgiveness is misunderstood by so many because they aren’t asking the right question — How does God define forgiveness? Is it forgetting? Is it a one-time act? Or is it something different? God’s word tells us it is a daily choice that leaves the stone alone.

There are so many people in the world we live in who struggle with forgiveness. Why is that? For some the idea is offensive because it goes against their rights. For others it is pride and a matter of control because they want to play the judge and jury when wronged. But for many it is a matter of perspective - that they aren’t seeing the whole picture, and all the people in the picture. So in order to live out what forgiveness is, and to get the why behind forgiveness right we need to remember where forgiveness begins and that I have been forgiven! 

Where do you start the journey called forgiveness? In a world where so many people are hurting in so many ways, where so many relationships have been ruined by selfish choices, where do we even begin? What could possibly give us the power to forgive those who have hurt us the most? Look up and see the Savior who has nail marks in his hands and see his face shining on you and remember his mercy. Remember that in Christ you are a victor, not a victim. Then you’ll know what to do.

What do you do when you are the one who has thrown the stones? How do you forgive yourself for the hurt you’ve caused and the relationships that have been damaged by your selfish choices? What do you do when you are overwhelmed with guilt because of the choices you’ve made and the stones you’ve thrown? Forgiving yourself can be difficult, but it’s not impossible because of one big word - grace! While sin brings consequences you can own the sin and find hope in God, who offers grace to sinners and the strength to leave the stones you’ve thrown behind.